Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The invisible eye

What's your idea of protecting your home,your loved ones,your business...? Hmmmm..would it be two tall muscular guys thick as brick power houses. Wearing dark shades,a bluetooth in the ear and a nice gun on the hip.

Or maybe two handsomely poised doberman looking like statues on your front porch. A vicious dog in the yard. O.k if thats not enough then what about a bobwired fence surrounding your house?
Some of theses ideas maybe far fetched and far from the reality of the average home owner or business owner.

More commonly people use the services of an alarm monitoring service. You see the decals in the window telling you the property is protected by whatever company the owner uses. It's not a bad thing,it's a good start but not enough in this day and time. Then some enlist the options of security survellience. You may see the cameras in the corners of a store or in the domes of the ceiling. But then that applies more to certain types of businesses than something a homeowner would use.

One of the problems with most of these security survellience systems is that they are wired. This means that to install them is actually a hassle because the installers would have to lay the cables that are necessary to connect to the central hub(The computer). This timely task would be drilling holes and laying lots of wire. All this is can be very costly lets say $100,000-$200,000 due to the process and labor involved. It usually depends on how many cameras and how much area covered.If you think of the parking lot of a strip mall,that uses cameras. For the installation the parking lot is pretty much torn up to run the wires. It would be wiser to go with a digital system which can cut costs tremendously to about $10,000. Visec Security Survellience is an highly intelligent computer program ran by P.C. Any camera whether laptop webcam any lowered camera combined w/software gives the best security sysyem you can buy!

Imagine using your cellphone ,your laptop or your netbook to tune into your property while away. You have become the invisible eye..watching from afar.
When you become the invisible eye you are now more in control of your surroundings,your home,business,your loved ones.Better technology for less. Visec can be set to record when motion is detected so you can save on hours of blank video. Think of the monitoring systems I mentioned above if the alarm goes off you have to come home or your place of business to respond to the alarm. many times it will be a false alarm but if you had of had the Visec Security survellience then there would be no need to run out. You'll know exactly what happened. On the contrary if it is a crime you know have caught it on tape.
Crime isn't the only reason this system is worthwhile.You know how sometimes you put something in a place and then it just disappeared....just watch this video from visec.

I wish a former retailer employer of mine would of had this same system installed. It could of saved me when I was a cashier from taking the blame for missing cash. To make a long story short the manager of the store was at fault. It was recovered because I wasn't going down for something I am not at fault for.The technology can save your behind! This system can even catch the babysitter,the nurse,the caregiver,the plumber e.t.c. Trust noone! not even the Ham...burgler hiding in the ceiling.

Visec is watching,you can't catch better momments than this if you don't have an invisible eye.

Click here to visit Visec

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